What is the Flo Period Tracker?
The Flo App is probably one of the most popular period tracker there is. It’s either you’ve heard of the app or know someone who uses it. Most people know Flo as just a period tracker, but it’s also very useful for tracking ovulation and pregnancy. As a matter of fact, Flo is a tool for all aspects of women’s health. It encompasses nutrition, wellness, sex, periods, pregnancy, and much more.
I’ve been using the Flo app for four years now and this app has evolved since I first downloaded it. Back then, I was extremely lazy about tracking my period, which led to a lot more period surprises than I’d admit. At the time, I didn’t care much to know about my cycle and was embarrassingly ignorant about my reproductive health. It only took one more period ‘accident’ for me to do a quick google search. Flo was the top-recommended app and I immediately downloaded it.

Since then, Flo has evolved into so much more. From daily insights about your cycle to expert tips & videos. The app even has an anonymous chat where you can connect to women all over the world. Flo not only tracks your cycle but provides extensive knowledge on topics that you’ve probably googled at some point; topics you’ve sought answers to either in worry, embarrassment, or genuine curiosity. The app has so many educative resources about exercise, stress, sex & relationships, sleep, and much more. It’s pretty much an all-inclusive feminine and whole body care experience for women all in one app.
Now, in terms of access to resources in the app, Flo has developed two user options: premium and basic. I’ve only ever used the basic option and can’t speak to the level of detail offered in the premium version. However, I’m able to log info, get insights, and access many resources using the basic one. The primary difference between both options is more access to videos and articles for the premium user. There is a free trial for the premium membership, after which you can pay for access.
Who can use this app?
If you’ve gotten this far, you know that the Flo app is not strictly for tracking periods; it is for all women, at all stages of life, trying to gain more knowledge about their bodies.
Features of the App
When you download the app for the first time, you’re asked what your goals are. Right now, there are 3 options “Track Cycle”, “Get Pregnant” or “Track Pregnancy”. Once your goal is chosen, the algorithm is built to help you through those goals. Since using this app, my goal has been to track my cycle, so I can only speak through those lenses. Note though, that if your goals change, you can very easily switch to any of the other options.
As a new user, the app asks for information it assumes you already know, such as cycle and period length. If you don’t know this information, a quick google search can help explain it. You don’t need to know specifics, the app will help you as you start logging frequently.
The Flo calendar is where you can see your current stage in your cycle. Days in red are the days of your actual period (days you bleed); days in red will correspond to the number of days your period actually lasts (your period length). The days in blue are your predicted ovulation days.

You may notice that there are several days in blue, this is because I set my options to show me the window of time where I am very fertile and can possibly get pregnant. However, if you’d prefer to only know the day you’re the most fertile (peak ovulation day), it’s shown in a blue dotted circle. You can also change this selection in your “Cycle & Ovulation” settings. The calendar is well-laid out, simple, and straight to the point, giving you a good overview of what your cycle looks like.
On any given day, the Flo app allows you to log any symptoms you’re experiencing. As a matter of fact, you’re encouraged to log symptoms as this significantly improves the algorithm of the app. This allows it to make better predictions and recommendations for you.
In the symptoms tab, you can log a variety of factors like mood, symptoms, discharge, basal temperature, flow intensity, and physical activity. You can also log a variety of factors that affect your cycle, such as sleep, water intake, weight, etc. This is great because the algorithm is able to draw connections between these factors and your cycle.
As you continue to log, the app creates graphs to show you trends over time. This lets you see what happens within your body from time to time. For some people, their weight fluctuates at several points in their cycle. For others, they may get less sleep at other points. It’s easy to visualize these things from day to day when it’s actually laid out in a graph for you. You can then draw meaning to what your body does throughout the month. In my case, I rarely log my weight because number obsession can become a problem. But, I logged it for a few days to show what the graphs look like. The bottom of the graph shows period and ovulation, while the top shows your fluctuations in weight or sleep.

The goal is to help you recognize these changes and adjust your lifestyle based on that. I’ve found that I make changes to my workouts, meals, and even interactions with people based on the various stages of my cycle.
Another great feature of this app is the insights from the Flo Health assistant and recommended resources when you log a symptom. For example, if I were to log stress, I would get stress-related articles or tips. These tips could range from why I’m stressed, what hormones are involved, and what I can do to relieve it.
When you log your period, Flo gives a personalized cycle report on your last cycle. Flo also gives insights in the form of a daily dive into your cycle and informational articles. The majority of articles require a premium membership, but there are some that don’t require it. You can easily spot a premium option if it has a ‘lock’ on the thumbnail.
Also, a separate insights tab allows you to discover, search, and browse through a variety of articles and expert insights.
The insights tab breaks down resources across many topics as well and you can save and select recommendations based on your topic of interest.
Secret Chats
Flo’s secret chats is an anonymous world that allows you to connect and share experiences with women around the world. Here, you’ll find women sharing anonymous (and often hilarious) responses to prompt from Flo. They’re also able to engage with other women responding to these prompts as well. I admit I’d often wander into the chat to read comments and laugh because there’s some funny stuff in there; however, there are also some thought-provoking questions and serious conversations going on.

Secret chats were added in 2019 and was absolute genius for improving engagement. Now, many women feel included in a community where they can relate and talk about issues without judgment. I’ve seen very young women asking questions that they couldn’t otherwise ask because they don’t have mother-figures in their lives. Unfortunately, because it’s still “taboo” to openly discuss topics like periods, sex, many girls have nowhere to go with their questions. So, having this open forum for women to express themselves creates a sense of belonging. It also takes away from the isolation we feel when it comes to these topics.
The Flo app is a fantastic tool for women of all ages and stages to keep up with their periods and health. It isn’t limited to just the physical but provides resources for mental, emotional, and overall wellbeing. This app also provides a community to learn and engage with not just the AI, but other women; helping us feel less alone on topics surrounding our health.
If there’s anything to take from this post, it’s that knowledge is power. We can only make the best decisions for our health and wellbeing when we’re well aware and well informed.